Saturday, February 27, 2016



Waking lately from disassociated dreams,
where congruent realities witness internal wars
Intergalactic factions,
assigned to make us forget our unwritten poems
Some here to help us, others are our foe
...slowly killing love and hope

Words tentatively written… only to be erased,
unable to fully egress
Like an ovum blighted by panspermic imprinting,
and teeth that lie dormant never to emerge
...or the pupils (and uterus) that refused to dilate 

In the midst of the long sleep, some hear the music,
arousing heightened senses
Viridian eyed souls feel restless callings from Arcturian terrenes
A place where there is no black or white
…only shades of Dravidian ultramarine

By the light of the full moon, ancient turtles and spawning coral
find their way back home
their only tutelage, a poet’s shooting star,
blazing the path to remembrance 
and I wonder to myself…
Is it right that I am drawn to you this way…?

(c)Teresa/Divinia 27th Feb 2016
Artwork at top by Sharonlee Goodham Australian Digital artist and poet
Artwork 2 by Tammy Oliver Australian Artist and Photographer

Actually, I had penned some of these thoughts late last year, in 4 separate short notes on my phone.
First opportunity Ive had to even look at them, so I put them together today. 
As with many of my writes there is deeply embedded symbolism,  sometimes there are made up lines, embedded in truths.
Ive added a link to explain what Poets shooting star is.

Art was added after I had written, I was drawn to this amazing
work because it embodied pieces of the write on a deep symbolic level.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey thanks for letting me know that Gregory. The Tortuga Turtle from the Caribbean. I did not know that.

  2. An honor to read and immerse myself in your thoughts. Peace and Hugs. xx

    1. Thanks so much Sharonlee.
      I can't believe how perfect you art work went with this. The moment I saw it, I got goose bumps.
      This all started with the phrase green eyed souls who had a mission...I later changed it to Viridian because It rhymed with other words I wanted to

      THANK YOU soul Sister.

  3. POETS SHOOTING STAR, flower remedy

    Presence, homesickness, wanting to go "home," belong fully in the moment on Earth, full attention to here and now, helps cosmic beings accept earthly life, for child starseeds and sensititve people, access to cosmic self, supports healing of birth trauma at any age, astrologers, meridian cleanser.


    Latin Name: Dodecatheon poeticum
