Friday, June 12, 2015



There is something  sublimely beautiful
Yet equally tormenting
when surrendering the senses to a sunset

Never quite knowing the colours that will emerge
I watch as you slowly unfold,
to make visible, the palate of possibility

much like the as yet
words of a lover who holds his feelings tight
for fear of not being able to fully immerse
within impassioned longing
…it’s all too fleeting
Leaving me to wonder…will I ever capture this feeling again?

Time continues to drift by, while the burning inside
Remains unaffected by the suns transient complacency
I must once again somehow subside
the need for desirous attainment
only to re-emerge, to yet another unpromising day

No matter how tantalizing the feeling
it all just loses it’s meaning
when I realize
I can never actually live inside the sunset

I stopped looking at those sunsets long ago
for they stirred such futility within my soul
a daily reminder that Im still living in this bleak hole
and that even the most beautiful promises
are often nothing more than mere allurement

I turn away, only to have the stars emerge
and remind me that I can not…
nor will I ever be able
to get you

completely out of my mind.

© Teresa/Divinia 12th June 2015